Michael Magnel

  • Michael Magnel

    Hello my name is Mike and I have known Fernando Ferracini and his brother Clauss Ferracini since 2009. Since then I have flown several planes to South America for them. I can’t tell you how many as I have been too busy flying them to keep track, but I bet Fernando knows how many. Fernando and Clauss have asked me to play a small part in their extensive website and of course I will. I have a long and variable background in aviation.


Aeroporto Teruel SSIE - Rodovia 163 Km 393 Campo Grande/MS , Campo Grande - MS

Aero Country Airport - 10045 Vought Lane , Mckinney - TX 75071 -
USA +1 903 651 1230 / Sao Paulo (11) 3957 - 0314 ramal 01