


Fabricante: King

Modelo: KR87 TSO ADF

Tipo: Usado

Valor: Consulte-nos

Descrição detalhada:

  Digitally tuned solid state automatic direction finder which provides bearing information to stations in the frequency range of 200 KHz to 1799 KHz and which also provides audio reception to enable pilot to identify stations
Used with KA-44B combined loop/sense low profile ADF antenna OR KA-44 blade antenna
Can be used with single needle KI-227 ADF indicator or dual needle KI-228 indicator (both indiactors available with manual or slaved compass cards)
May be interfaced to King KI-229 or KNI-582 RMIs
Can be interfaced with other 3-wire RMI indicators by way of KDA-692 RMI adapter
Models available with single or dual indicator driving capability (see table below)
Models available with ADF Superflag output for use with EFIS systems (see table below)
Internal timer for flight time and elapsed time which proves valuable for non-precision timed approaches, fuel management, dead reckoning navigation
Automatic dimming circuit adjusts the brightness of the display to compensate for changes in the ambient light level
Coherent detection design rejects unwanted frequency interference, achieves significantly greater range and has less suspectiblility to engine noise, static and atmospheric interference
Flip-flop frequency display allows to switch between pre-selected "standby" and "active" frequencies
Operates on any voltage from 11-33 VDC with 12 watts power consumption
Models available for 28 volt use only (see table below)
Models available with 5 volt display lamps (see table below)
Models available with standard or shiny display lens (see table below)
Models available with clear or blue display light (see table below)
Models available with backlit nomenclature (see table below)
Forced air cooling not required

Voltar para Peças

Veja Também

KA 39 Voltagem Converter / Bendix/King PN-071-1041-01

KC290 Mode Controller Bendix/King PN-065-0033-01

DME KN62A PN:16793

Aeroporto Teruel SSIE - Rodovia 163 Km 393 Campo Grande/MS , Campo Grande - MS

Aero Country Airport - 10045 Vought Lane , Mckinney - TX 75071 -
USA +1 903 651 1230 / Sao Paulo (11) 3957 - 0314 ramal 01