
Bonanza A36


Fabricante: Beechcraft

Modelo: A36

Tipo: Usado

Valor: Consulte-nos

Descrição detalhada:

Bonanza A36 1991

Horas totais: 2.417h
Motor: 576h após TCM IO-550B
Hélice: 576 após – McCauley 3 blade D3A32C409-C
Sem histórico de acidentes ou incidentes.
Aeronave 100% hangarada
Todos os Logbooks desde novo.
Todas as AD’s em dia
IAM realizada 09/13
Certificação IFR 06/13
Aspen 2000 PFD/MFD with synthetic vision
Garmin 430W #1 GPS/Nav/Comm (WAAS)
King KX-155 #2 Nav/Comm
STEC-55X autopilot with electric trim, GPSS, vertical speed
Garmin GTX 330ES transponder (with TIS traffic avoidance)
Garmin GMA 350 audio panel (with 3-D audio)
JPI EDM 830 comprehensive color engine management system with fuel flow
Terra radar altimeter
Standby altimeter, airspeed indicator, and attitude indicator on pilot’s side
6-pack instrument cluster (with HSI) on co-pilot side
Equipamentos adicionais:
Ar condicionado de fábrica.
GAMIjectors (customized tuned fuel injectors)
Rosen sun visors
Tanis TAS 100 engine pre-heater (not installed but comes with sale)
100amp alternator
Knots2U HID landing light (with pulse light feature)
Whelen LED taxi light and aux landing lights
Alpine Aviation auxiliary landing lights
Precise Flight recognition light system
Standby instrument pressure system
DShannon baffles and gap seals
DShannon tip tanks 20gal total
Tanks 114 Galos 430.92 litros

Voltar para Aviões

Veja Também

Beechcraft - F33

Beechcraft - A36

Bonanza B36TC

Aeroporto Teruel SSIE - Rodovia 163 Km 393 Campo Grande/MS , Campo Grande - MS

Aero Country Airport - 10045 Vought Lane , Mckinney - TX 75071 -
USA +1 903 651 1230 / Sao Paulo (11) 3957 - 0314 ramal 01